Week 4: What does Self-Love feel like to you?
Here we are already approaching the end of January 2023. I hope the questions I shared with you have helped you to be more aware, more mindful of how you love yourself. I also hope you’ve decided to love yourself enough to get your own little self-love journal to write in. It’s my hope for you (and for me) to get to the end of the year and be able to look back and see progress. One of my favorite things I hear Juan tell his clients all the time is to just strive for 1% better each day. When you think of 1%, that sounds doable.
Did you get a chance to practice some of your Self-Love strategies from last week? Great! Because today, I’m asking you to reflect on how it feels when you take time to express love for yourself. So, in just a few words (or more!) write about how that feels. Why is that important? How does it affect your overall well-being? Would you like to feel this way more often?
With Love and Gratitude,